Degree Programs

Accounting, Associate of Occupational Studies (AOS)


Program Duration – 2 years | 1,175 Clock Hours

Our intensive degree program in accounting provides a fundamental understanding of accounting principles and practices and how to utilize computer applications to perform accounting tasks. This program provides working knowledge and the skills to perform accounting tasks at different stages of a complete accounting cycle. Students compare and contrast different types of business entities and learn how to treat them differently, prepare various payroll and income tax returns, and effectively utilize computer applications to carry out accounting duties.

Course LecLabUnits
Core Courses

ACT 100 Principles of Accounting I40404
ACT 120 Payroll Accounting20202
CIS 101 Introduction to Computer Business Applications30303
ACT 140 Principles of Accounting II40404
CAC 120 Excel for Accounting40404
CAC 160 QuickBooks40404
CAC 170 Tax Software3002
CAC 181 Taxation of Corporations, Partnerships, Estates, &Trusts50505
CAC 210 Advanced Accounting Software40404
ACT 160 Individual Income Taxes40404
ACT 180 Intermediate Accounting40404
ACT 200 Cost Accounting40404
ACT 220 Intermediate Accounting II40404
General Education
3 Required Courses
GEN 125 College Algebra
Mathematics Required
GEN 140 English Writing
Humanities Required
GEN 190 Introduction to Earth System Science
Natural/Applied Science Required
General Education
2 Elective Courses

Select 1 from each elective group
GEN 150 American History
Humanities Elective 1
GEN 160 Grammar Review
Humanities Elective 2
GEN 100 Principles of Microeconomics
Behavioral Science Elective 1
GEN 180 Introduction to Psychology
Behavioral Science Elective 2
General Elective Schedule Subtotal
(5 classes)

Computer Graphic Design, Associate of Applied Science (AAS)


Program Duration – 2 years |1,140 Clock Hours

This comprehensive program provides a thorough understanding of, and proficiency with computer-aided design and prepares students to perform a variety of graphic tasks and projects, including computer illustration, desktop publishing, digital imaging, and web design, using the latest in graphic communications technology.

Core Courses

36 units
345 Lec Hours
390 Lab Hours
CGD 133 Typography Design15302
CGD 135 Drawing for Graphic Design15302
CGD 150 Portfolio and Professional Practices15302
CGD 160 Photoshop I30303
CGD 170 Photoshop II30303
CGD 180 Illustrator I30303
CGD 185 Illustrator II30303
CGD 190 InDesign I30303
CGD 195 InDesign II30303
CGD 200 Dreamweaver I30303
CGD 210 Dreamweaver II30303
CGD 260 Principles of Graphic Design I30303
CGD 265 Principles of Graphic Design II30303
General Education

15 units
225 Lec Hours
GEN 125 College Algebra4503
GEN 140 English Writing4503
GEN 150 American History4503
GEN 180 Introduction to Psychology4503
GEN 190 Introduction to Earth System Science4503
Electives Schedule I

9 units
90 Lec Hours
90 Lab Hours
CGD 118 Introduction to Graphic Design Applications30303
CGD 230 Animate I30303
CGD 235 Animate II30303
Electives Schedule II

9 units
90 Lec Hours
90 Lab Hours
WST 151 HTML & CSS Accessibility30303
WST 157 Website Planning and Production30303
WST 167 WordPress30303

Web Software Technology, Associate of Applied Science (AAS)


Program Duration – 2 years |1,125 Clock Hours

The degree program in Web Software Technology provides students with a fundamental knowledgebase in website development by providing students with current technology applications and hands-on experience. The program incorporates their study of web page development, scripting, XHTML and CSS with the Adobe software applications into a working knowledge of planning, producing and designing websites. In addition to general education courses, students have the elective to continue their area of concentration in motion graphics or graphic design principles.

Core Courses

36 units
360 Lec Hours
360 Lab Hours
CIS 101 Introduction to Computer Business Applications30303
WST 151 XHTML, CSS and Accessibility30303
WST 154 Web Page Development & Scripting I30303
WST 155 Web Page Development & Scripting II30303
WST 156 Web Media Production30303
WST 157 Website Planning & Production30303
WST 165 Web Design I 30303
WST 167 WordPress30303
CGD 160 Photoshop I30303
CGD 170 Photoshop II 30303
CGD 180 Illustrator I 30303
CGD 185 Illustrator II 30303
General Education

15 units
225 Lec Hours
GEN 125 College Algebra4503
GEN 140 English Writing4503
GEN 150 American History4503
GEN 180 Introduction to Psychology4503
GEN 190 Introduction to Earth System Science4503
Electives Schedule I

9 units
90 Lec Hours
90 Lab Hours
WST 166 Web Design II30303
CGD 230 Animate I30303
CGD 235 Animate II30303
Electives Schedule II

9 units
90 Lec Hours
90 Lab Hours
CGD 118 Introduction to Graphic Design Applications30303
CGD 260 Principles of Graphic Design I30303
CGD 265 Principles of Graphic Design II 30303