Students who have maintained an overall GPA of 2.0 (70%) or better and have maintained the school’s minimum 90% attendance requirement will be able to graduate.
If a student has been enrolled in the ESL Program and has fulfilled the graduation requirements described above, the student must pass an independent exit exam required by the California Education Code in order to receive a Certificate of Completion in the ESL Program. This requirement is not applicable to international students.
Students who graduate from our non-degree, non-credit certificate programs shall be awarded a Certificate of Completion attesting to the successful completion of studies. Students who graduate from our degree program shall be awarded a diploma stating their completion of their respective Associate program.
The basis for granting academic credit is dependent upon a combination of general student performance on maintaining satisfactory grades and attendance, that are contingent on passing grades on exams and tests, class participation, and completion of all given assignments and projects.
The ESL Program Certificate of Achievement is awarded to a student who meets the following criteria:
• Maintained the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements at all evaluation periods;
• Completed 3 consecutive courses in the ESL Program with a minimum of 720 Clock Hours and 90% attendance.
• Upon completion of the ESL Program in satisfactory academic standing, the student shall receive a Certificate of Achievement stating the levels of English completed and the cumulative clock hours attended.
The ESL Program Certificate of Completion, also known as the ESL Program Diploma, is awarded to any student who meets the following criteria:
• Maintained the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements at all evaluation periods;
• Completed all 6 consecutive courses in the ESL Program with a minimum of 1,440 Clock Hours and 80% attendance.
• Upon completion of all six consecutive course levels of the ESL Program with satisfactory academic standing, the student shall graduate from the ESL Program, receiving a Diploma in ESL stating the levels of English completed and the cumulative clock hours attended.
Hours of course work are converted into credit units according to the following scale:
1 semester credit unit=15 lecture hours=30 lab hours
One hour of lecture includes 50 minutes of instruction and a 10-minute break.
LAPC may accept transfer of credit from any eligible courses of a prospective student who seeks to enroll in one of LAPC’s programs. An eligible course that shall be considered for transfer of credit must fulfill all the following criteria:
1) Course was issued from an institution accredited by an agency recognized by either the U.S. Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation;
2) Course was taken within the last 5 years resulting in a grade of “C” or higher;
3) Course content is comparable and applicable to the LAPC program in which the student seeks to enroll.
To determine the eligibility of transfer of credit, the prospective student must first meet with the Admissions Department and submit a written request for transfer of credit accompanied by a course outline and the originating institution’s catalog; a course syllabus may be required to make the final determination. It is the responsibility of the prospective student to provide LAPC with an official transcript from the originating institution to be received by LAPC as a sealed, signed and/or stamped official transcript. The prospective student may be asked to take the equivalent LAPC course’s final exam to determine eligibility.
The maximum amount of transferred credits for all courses shall not exceed 25% of the total scheduled credits/clock hours of the LAPC program. The maximum credit amount of credit that can be applied towards prior experiential learning shall not exceed 25% of the total course requirements for the degree programs. LAPC policy requires a 30-unit residency for the Degree Program in Accounting. In other words, at least 50% in the area of concentration or major must be completed at LAPC.
Prospective students requesting to receive credits by prior experiential learning must first meet with the Academic Department and submit a written request to receive credit for prior experiential learning along with documentation of their resume and personal references. The prospective student may be asked to take the equivalent LAPC course’s final exam to determine eligibility.
The Academic Department determines the acceptance or denial of credits. If the request for transfer of credits is denied, the student may submit a written request to appeal to the President within 14 consecutive days from the date of determination by the Academic Department. The President shall make the final determination on the acceptance or denial of transfer of credits.
Any transfer of credits that have been accepted by LAPC shall affect the tuition fees by proportionately reducing the fees based on the number of transferable credits; in addition, there shall be a reduction in the overall cost of books for the program. The Registration fee shall be due in full. LAPC does not access any additional fees for evaluation of transferability of credits, including any testing that may need to be administered.
LAPC registered students requesting a transfer of credits for eligible courses from one LAPC program to another must have a grade “C” or higher, meet with the Academic Department and submit a written request to transfer between programs.
Transfer between one LAPC program into another is considered on a case-by-case basis. The student must submit a “Request for Transfer to Another Program” form to the Academic Department. The Academic Director shall make the determination through:
1) review of student’s academic progress and attendance record;
2) the compatibility of required courses between programs;
3) congruence of the semester or course start date for intended program of transfer;
4) any additional or relevant factors.
If the request to transfer between programs is denied, the student may submit a written request to appeal to the President within 14 consecutive days from the date of determination by the Academic Department. The President shall make the final determination on the acceptance or denial of transfer between programs.
Currently, LAPC has no articulation or transfer agreements between any other colleges or universities.
The transferability of credits students earn at LAPC is at the complete discretion of the institution to which you seek to transfer. Acceptance of the credits, degree, diploma, or certificate in the program students completed at LAPC is also at the complete discretion of the institution to which you seek to transfer. If the credits, degree, diploma, or certificate that students earn at LAPC are not accepted at the institution to which they seek to transfer, students may be required to repeat some or all of their coursework at that institution. For this reason, students should make certain that their attendance at LAPC will meet their educational goals. This may include contacting an institution to which they may seek to transfer after attending LAPC to see if their credits, degree, diploma, or certificate will transfer.
Students are expected to conform to all the rules and regulations of the school. They are expected to observe basic standards of courtesy and to carry themselves in a professional manner at all times. Proper dress is also expected in order to promote a professional atmosphere.
Any behavior deemed improper or disruptive will be subject to disciplinary action resulting in suspension and termination.
Only current LAPC students may use the classrooms, labs, library, and other facilities. Students should check with the instructor or lab assistant prior to using any computer. Students are encouraged to check their personal CDs, DVDs, disks, or flash drives for viruses before using any school computer. Students should bring their textbooks, class materials, and assignments to every class.
The computer facilities may only be used for lecture and lab sessions. Playing computer games or navigating web and social networking sites outside the context of the course is not permitted. No student may illegally install, download, or delete any application from the school’s hard drive.
All computers and peripherals in the classrooms are property of LAPC. No student may remove these items, nor duplicate copyrighted software from a removable disk, CD, DVD, network, or hard drive. Students should not attempt to make any technical repairs or adjustments. In the event of any problems, students must immediately notify the instructor or the lab assistant.
No student may smoke or bring food or drink to any computer labs. Classroom equipment must be used properly and not abused. At the end of the class session, students shall take all assignments and personal items, leaving the work area neat and clean. LAPC is not held accountable for any lost or stolen items belonging to a student. Each student is responsible for his/her own personal belongings.
Students must immediately leave a work station if asked to do so by a faculty member or administrative staff. In addition, faculty and/or administrative staff reserves the right to escort any student out of the classroom/lab facility should the student cause and/or exhibit a disruptive behavior toward other students, faculty, staff, or the general learning process.
Directions given by the faculty concerning student conduct must be observed. If the student feels that the problem should be pursued further, he/she should speak with his/her coordinator. If a satisfactory compromise is not achieved, an appointment may be made with the Student Services Director or the Academic Director.
Any violation of these Standards of Conduct constitutes cause for revocation of all classroom/lab privileges and will result in formal disciplinary action by LAPC.
All LAPC students are expected to observe the following school regulations at all times. There are no exceptions to the following rules of conduct*:
*Note: Violations of the above rules may result in a warning, probation, suspension, or dismissal.
Work ethics are referred to the attitudes of dedication and determination towards one’s jobs. It is comprehensively understood that all individuals, irrespective of their categories and backgrounds aim to make use of their educational qualifications, skills and abilities to sustain their living conditions in an effective manner.
In addition to having a strong knowledgebase in the field of study, attitudes of dedication and determination to one’s job are imperative to long-term success in the workforce. Each of our programs incorporates work ethics as an integral part of the curriculum. The following traits are included in the LAPC Work Ethic and Participation Rubric, which accounts for up to 10% for the grade in each vocational course.
Personal Responsibility
Work Habits
Personal Integrity
LAPC aims to create and uphold a culture of work ethic for staff, faculty and students alike. Our courses reinforce the standards of work through discussion, group projects and assignments. Students who enter the workforce with establish the standards, by which they attain desirable work ethics and skills, enhance their value as employees.
LAPC strives to ensure a strong culture of work ethic that is the focus for both staff and students. The promotion of proper classroom and on-the-job conduct is the duty of all.
Pursuant to the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), students at LAPC have the right to access any or all of their records regarding their enrollment in any of the institute’s programs. To access one’s files, a request must be made in writing to the registrar of the school.
All student records that are required by the Reform Act will be maintained at the primary administrative location in Los Angeles, California, for a minimum period of five years, and all student transcript records will be retained permanently.
LAPC maintains records relating to student eligibility for FSA funds such as: cost of attendance information; documentation of student’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP); program of study and courses student was enrolled; data used to establish student’s admission, enrollment status and period of enrollment; documentation used to verify applicant data and resolving conflicting information, documentation of all professional judgment decisions; and, financial aid history information for transfer students.
FERPA is a Federal law that is administered by the Student Privacy Policy Office in the U.S. Department of Education 20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99. FERPA applies to all educational agencies and institutions (e.g., schools) that receive funding under any program administered by the Department.
FERPA generally prohibits the improper disclosure of personally identifiable information derived from education records. Thus, information that an official obtained through personal knowledge or observation, or has. FERPA protects the right to: Inspect and review your education record within 45 days after your request; Request amendment of your education record that you believe is inaccurate;
Provide written consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information in your education record; and, File a complaint with the Student Privacy Policy Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202.
Students opt-in FERPA third-party consent using the LAPC FERPA Consent Form. Students have the right to request full privacy in writing which results in placing the student on “No Release” in the student record: Prevents the student from being included on lists of students, enrollment and degree verification to anyone, including potential employers. Applies to all elements of directory information on the student record.
Applicability of FERPA to Disclosures Related to COVID-19
FERPA permits educational agencies and institutions to disclose, without prior written consent, PII from student education records to appropriate parties in connection with an emergency if knowledge of that information is necessary to protect the health or safety of a student or other individuals. LAPC may disclose PII to appropriate officials at a public health department who need the information to protect the health or safety of the student (or another individual). This “health or safety emergency” exception to FERPA’s general consent requirement is limited in time to the period of the emergency.
Recordings of lectures or class meetings are considered education records if students’ names or likenesses are displayed or disclosed. Instructors may share these recordings with the class, but not with others without documented consent from each student identified in the recording.
In accordance with State and Federal law, for admission, access, and treatment in all of the Los Angeles Pacific College programs and activities for both students and employees, LAPC:
Inquiries on compliance may be sent to
A week before a start date of a new session and up until two weeks after, enrollment is available to any admitted student meeting course prerequisites or co-requisites. Class size is limited based on the physical limitations of LAPC facilities; courses reaching class-size capacity shall be designated as “closed” for further enrollment. Any course with an enrollment less than ten students are subject to course closure at the Academic Director’s discretion. Admission to LAPC does not guarantee space in any class.
All courses are graded, there is no pass/not pass grading option
Add: A course may be added through the tenth day of class with the Registrar. Any course added after the second week is subject to the review and approval by the Academic Department.
For ESL courses, students may opt to audit the course after the second week the class has started and progress to the next level at the end of the session so long as the student passes the final exam for each individual subject with a grade of C or higher.
Drop: A course may be dropped through the tenth day of class with the Registrar. Any course dropped after the second week is subject to the review and approval by the Academic Department.
Los Angeles Pacific College recognizes the importance of regulatory understanding and compliance, and of culture and climate when creating a healthy and safe campus.
Our Commitment to Health & Safety
School personnel have appropriate knowledge of laws and regulations in order to follow safety protocols and recognize that a safe school is as much about perceiving and anticipating risk by:
On a regular basis, we assess current risks and update our plans to reduce the possibility of danger. We consider all possibilities and create appropriate plans and training to be able to react to these unforeseen and unfortunate situations with the following plans:
An electronic or hard copy of these plans are available from Student Services.
Through swift, committed, and cohesive action, we aim to create a safe campus community where each person understand dangers and when appropriate, take part in their responsibility for themselves and others, always considering safety and health above all.
In a safe and prepared campus community, each member understands and respects the potential dangers and, when appropriate, takes responsibility for themselves and others. Health and safety are often matters of anticipation and prevention.
In our Emergency Action Plan & Fire Prevention Plan, and Health, Safety and Emergency Student Handbook, we attempt to identify, anticipate, and address a variety of potential issues. However, the extent of the listed scenarios underscore the complexity of establishing a healthy and safe environment. These scenarios cannot address the full range of school activities and safety concerns facing each campus and it cannot encompass certain aspects that may be unique to a school. These plans do not and cannot guarantee that have a plan or approach to resolving every possible contingency.
A safe school
Health and Safety Considerations
No list of Health and Safety scenarios can be complete. It is unlikely for any list of Health and Safety scenarios to be ever complete or adequately anticipate every circumstance. The scenarios presented in our plans are only some potential school health and safety issues. We use regular discussion, reflection, and planning; while this exercise might address individual scenarios, it cannot guarantee absolute safety and security, the avoidance of all risk or death. We are, as a campus community, devoted to creating a safe climate and culture can create an environment mitigating risks to safety.
Emergency Plan Coordinators are responsible for assisting staff, faculty, and students in the event of an emergency, where an orderly evacuation is conducted. They serve as the Floor Warden for the Los Angeles Fire Department and can be contacted at, or by SMS at (213) 973-7549.
Smoking is not permitted in any enclosed LAPC facilities.
No student or employee of LAPC may use, possess, sell or distribute alcohol or illegal controlled substances or paraphernalia on school grounds or at school-sponsored events, except drugs as prescribed by a physician. The phrase “drugs, alcohol, and other substances” shall refer to the use of all substances including, but not limited to, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, LSD, PCP, amphetamines, heroin, and any of those substances commonly referred to as “designer drugs.” The inappropriate use of prescription and over-the-counter drugs is also prohibited. Any person exhibiting behavior, conduct or personal or physical characteristics indicative of having used or consumed alcohol or other substances shall be prohibited from entering school grounds or school-sponsored events.
To the extent allowed by local, state, and federal laws, LAPC will impose disciplinary action against employees and students found to be in violation of this policy. Disciplinary action may include suspension, expulsion, and termination of employment, referral for prosecution and/or the required completion of an appropriate drug or alcohol rehabilitation program. In addition to institutional sanctions, students and employees convicted of the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs or alcohol could also face local, state, and federal legal penalties, which include the loss of eligibility for federal financial aid, fines, imprisonment and the seizure of drug-related assets. The following local rehabilitation and treatment centers provide drug awareness programs, counseling, treatment, rehabilitation and other related services necessary to those who have an alcohol or other substance abuse problem:
National Council of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence of the San Fernando Valley, Inc. (NCADD)
6166 Vesper Avenue
Van Nuys, CA 91411
(818) 997-0414 |
Plaza Community Center
4018 City Terrace Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90063-1242
(323) 267-9749 |
Pasadena Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency
1245 E. Walnut St. #117
Pasadena CA 91106
(626) 795-9127 | Email:
LAPC encourages its faculty to express their personal points of view during classroom discussions regardless of whether these viewpoints may or may not be shared by any other individual(s) or group(s) involved in any way with LAPC. LAPC takes pride in assuring teachers that they may espouse controversial positions without fear of any adverse action being taken. Furthermore, LAPC holds and conducts regular meetings between faculty and staff to ensure an open forum in which everyone is free to express any concerns or opinions regarding curricular and/or administrative issues.
LAPC encourages students to voice any complaints they may have in order to avoid any uncomfortable situations. Students may lodge a complaint by communicating orally or in writing to any teacher, administrator, admissions personnel, or counselor. The recipient of the complaint then transmits it as soon as possible to the President. If a student orally delivers the complaint and the complaint is not resolved either within a reasonable period or before the student again complains about the same matter, the student is advised to submit it in writing, using the Student Suggestions/Complaints Form. If the student complains in writing, LAPC will provide the student, within 10 days of receiving the complaint, a written response, including a summary of the institution’s investigation and disposition of it. If the complaint or relief requested by the student is rejected, the reasons for the rejection will be provided. If a satisfactory solution cannot be found, a student may make an appointment with the director. Any further unresolved complaints may be directed to the agency below. Any member of the public may also file a complaint about LAPC to the agencies below.
Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) | |
Mailing Address | P.O. BOX 980818 West Sacramento, CA 95798-0818 |
Physical Address | 1747 North Market Blvd., Suite 225 Sacramento, CA 95834 |
Telephone | (888) 370-7589 |
Fax | (916) 263-1897 |
Web | |
Council on Occupational Education (COE) | |
Address | 7840 Roswell Road, Building 300 Suite 325, Atlanta, GA 30350 |
Telephone | (800) 917-2081 |
Fax | (770) 396-3790 |
Web | |
Commission on English Language Program Accreditation (CEA) | |
Address | 1001 North Fairfax Street, Suite 630 Alexandria, VA 22314 |
Telephone | (703) 665-3400 |
Fax | (703) 519-2071 |
Web | |
Federal regulations require every school to publish and distribute an annual security report that contains prescribed information relative to campus security policies and crime statistics. The school must disclose the number of instances in which certain specific types of crimes have occurred in any building or on any property owned or controlled by this institution which is used for activities related to the educational purpose of the institution and /or any building or property owned or controlled by student organizations recognized by this institution. Los Angeles Pacific College has designated the President as the appropriate individual to report criminal actions or other emergencies occurring on campus. Any student witnessing, or being the victim of any criminal offenses on campus are to report those actions to the President immediately. Prompt reporting of offenses is required to ensure the preservation of evidence as proof of a criminal offense and for the purpose of making timely reports.
The campus of LAPC is open every weekday at 8:30 a.m. and is locked at 10:30 p.m. The facilities are accessible during normal business hours. Security of the campus is under the supervision of the local police, the City of Los Angeles Police Department. The school does not employ security personnel with the authority to arrest individuals. However, the school encourages both its students and employees to immediately report suspected criminal activity or other emergencies to the nearest available school official and/or directly contact law enforcement or other emergency response agencies by dialing 911. The school assists in notifying authorities of crimes.
The school requires all criminal offenses that occur on campus be reported to the President immediately, but not later than 48 hours after the incident. The school is required to assist in notifying authorities if the incident involves a victim who requests assistance. Anyone needing to report a crime should complete a Campus Crime Report at the office of the President, to ensure accurate and prompt reporting. The President will take a statement from the claimant and contact the appropriate authorities. A copy of the report may be filed with the local authorities. The report will be reviewed for administrative action at the next staff meeting or at an emergency meeting, if necessary. The school will determine if action by the school is necessary to prevent a reoccurrence of the incident. If institutional action is necessary, notification of students will take place via the bulletin board and by a general notice distribution in the reception area.
Although this school does not offer regularly scheduled crime awareness or prevention programs, this policy is designed to inform students and employees about campus security procedures and practices and to encourage students and employees to be responsible for their own security and the security of others.
The school does not offer regularly scheduled programs to prevent sex offenses, or educational programs to promote the awareness of rape, acquaintance rape and other sex offenses. However, LAPC has developed policies and procedures to follow if a sex offense occurs. The school has designated the President as the appropriate individual to report any sex offense or other emergencies occurring on campus. Any student witnessing or being the victim of any criminal offenses on campus are to report those actions to the President immediately. Prompt reporting of offenses is required to ensure the preservation of evidence for the proof of a criminal offense and for the purpose of making timely reports. The victim has the option whether to contact the local law enforcement authorities or not. The institutional personnel will assist the student in notifying these authorities if the student requests the assistance of these personnel.
The school offers no on-campus counseling for victims of sex offenses. However, off-campus-counseling options such as crisis intervention, mental health, or other services for victims of sex offenses are available to students and staff by contacting:
The following statistics reflect activity of the school for the following calendar years.
Pursuant to Section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code), copyright infringement is defined as the act of exercising without permission or legal authority one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner. Under the Copyright Act, these rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing environment, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement.
Persons violating the Copyright Act may face appropriate civil and criminal penalties; they may be ordered to pay either actual damages or statutory damages amounting to not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per infringed item. For intentional infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per infringed item. A court may exercise its discretion in determining the costs and legal expenses. More information can be found in Title 17, Sections 504 and 505 of the United States Code. Additionally, those committing intentional copyright infringement may face criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines up to $250,000 per offense.
Without prior notification, LAPC reserves the right to change or modify the program content, equipment, staff, materials and organization as it deems necessary, with the approval of the school’s regulatory agencies. Such changes may be required to keep pace with technological advances and improve teaching methods or procedures. In no event will any program changes diminish the competency of any program or result in tuition changes. LAPC also reserves the right to cancel a scheduled course if registration is insufficient to make up a class. In such a case, all monies paid will be refunded within 10 days.
In accordance with federal regulations, 34 C.F.R. 668.18 and the Department of Defense (DOD), LAPC will promptly readmit service members who seek readmission to a program that was interrupted due to a uniformed service obligation.
This policy shall apply to:
A student is eligible for readmission under this policy if, during an absence, the student performs uniformed service, voluntary or involuntary, in the U.S. Armed Forces, including the National Guard or Reserve, active duty, active duty for training or full-time National Guard under federal authority (but not State authority). With some exceptions, to be considered on a case-by-base basis, the readmission requirement does not apply if the length of military service exceeded five years.
The service member is eligible for readmission if:
Notice of Absence
Notice of absence for service must be provided by the servicemember or an appropriate officer of the Armed Forces or official of the Department of Defense—that is, a commissioned, warrant, or noncommissioned officer authorized to give such notice. The notice of absence for service may be oral or written. It must be provided to an office designated by the institution and must be provided as far in advance as is reasonable under the circumstances.
Advance notice is not required if it is precluded by military necessity (for example, a mission, operation, exercise, or requirement that is classified; or a pending or ongoing mission, operation, exercise, or requirement that may be compromised or otherwise adversely affected by public knowledge). If advance notice was not given and was not precluded by military necessity, the servicemember or appropriate officer of the Armed Forces or official of the Department of Defense may submit an attestation when seeking readmission that the service member performed service that necessitated the servicemember’s absence.
Notice of Intent to Return
Students must notify an institution of their intent to return within three years of the end of their military service or no later than two years after recovery from a service related injury or illness. A returning student must provide the institution with evidence that the student has not exceeded the length of service requirement, as well as that the student left the service in good standing. If a notice of intent to return is not provided within the applicable time period, the student is subject to the school’s established leave of absence policy.
Tuition and Fees
A returning student must be charged the same tuition and fees in effect during the last academic year the student attended, unless U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) education benefits or other service member education benefits will pay the amount in excess. For subsequent academic years, the returning student may not be charged tuition and fees in excess of what other students in the program are charged.
Readmission Requirements
A returning student will be readmitted with the same academic standing and status as the student had when the student last attended the institution. A returning student will be permitted to reenroll in the next class(es) scheduled in the same academic program, unless the student requests a later date of re-enrollment or agrees to a different program. If the exact program no longer exists, the student must be admitted to the program that is most similar, unless the student requests or agrees to admission to a different program.
If the school determines that a returning student is not prepared to resume the program or is unable to complete the program, the school must make reasonable efforts to enable the student to resume or complete the program at no additional cost to the student. If such efforts are unsuccessful or place an undue hardship on the school, the school is not required to readmit the student.
In accordance with federal regulations, returning student who receive a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge from the Armed Forces (including the National Guard and Reserves) are not eligible for readmission under this policy. However, service members who receive dishonorable or bad conduct discharge may remain eligible for readmission even though they will not be entitled to the benefits outlined in this policy.